Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's Not What You Think

You know how a couple days after you have a long make-out session with a guy who has even the slightest bit of stubble, the skin around your nose and chin gets all dry and flaky and it's pretty obvious what you've been doing?

Yeah, that's that state of my face right now.

But WITHOUT the hot make-out benefit.

Apparently I didn't know Kleenex had the exact same effect.  Le sigh.


Crystal said...

I am glad to see some things don't change...Lauren still enjoying make out session!

Jacinda said...

Poor Lauren. Hope you're feeling better now.

2023 Recap

Oh, hey there. It's been awhile. I disappeared for a bit. Everyone's doing their 2023 year in review today, and I figured I'd ju...
