Utah summers are made for the outdoors - we barbecued, had to keep Max out of the way, and Taylor tried a new hot dog roasting technique.
So pretty. I think someone commented on this photo via Instagram that Utah was gonna get me, and sure enough, a few months later it did indeed.
Max wanted to play at all hours.
Utah summer bonus - basically free concerts. The National was sold out in LA, but I saw them in SLC for 5 whopping dollars. It was great. And I got to hang out with an LA crew.
Courtney was ready to just have that baby, so we went on a little hike up the mountain one day.
We made a late dinner one night and all pitched in to clean the house, and soon after going to bed, Taylor and Courtney went to the hospital. I stayed asleep and figured it'd be midday before anything happened, but I woke up around 8am to a text that baby Hallie had arrived!
I got ready and headed down to the hospital. First sight - seeing Taylor in the nursery with a baby.
Courtney was a champ. Pretty easy delivery.
I think this is only the 2nd baby he's ever held?
I'm an aunt!
Besides adventures in being an aunt, I took advantage of my time in Utah. LA musical friends played a show up in Park City and Marcello was still in town, so we ventured up to see them. Gorgeous scenery.
I tried out a midsingles ward during this month. Total zoo. Not for me.
More pretty Utah stuff.
Adam and I went hiking one day in Bells Canyon. Just beautiful.
Mom and Dad came to visit to meet their first grandchild. All Dad wanted to do was sit in that chair and just hold that baby.
Cousin Cameron came over to visit.
I went to the mall to buy some clothes and ended up buying cute baby clothes instead.
These sunsets kept being awesome.
Four weeks later it was time to head back to LA. Bye, baby!