Monday, December 03, 2012

Musical Monday

It's that time of year - the time of year where I make my Best of 20xx music mix.  Yay!

I usually start over Thanksgiving, but this year's been a little busy.  Thankfully, Spotify has helped me keep track of music all year long, so it shouldn't be that hard to make my final cuts.  Except, no, it'll still be hard.  I can never get it below 2 volumes, and track order matters!

Check out past years here (before 2010 I did the old school disc burning and mailed out copies - not on Spotify, sorry!)

2010 - Volume 1
2010 - Volume 2

Best of 2011 - Disc 1
Best of 2011 - Disc 2

2012 - the loooong list.

Hopefully I'll have a final cut published within the next 2 weeks, stay tuned!!

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