Problem is, after watching the Golden Globes, I've been reminded of a couple more that could make the list. So either I need to prioritize better and cut some, but I really hate saying no. A better idea it seems, is to have a domestic and foreign version. Si? Oui?
(I have to confess I feel a bit trashy doing this. Not really my style, but fun to look at every now and then. I really wasn't one of those girls growing up with posters all over her room from the latest Tiger Beat magazine. Promise. Not my style at all. I had/have much better things to do with my time than stare at some hunks on the wall. Okay, okay I did have ONE NKOTB poster. Just one. Of Joey. That's it).
For the foreign-born:

Eduardo Verastegui
Olivier Martinez


Lenny Kravitz
Josh Duhamel

Johnny Depp